Spanswick casestudies

See below for casestudies developed for:

- The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Hospital Redevelopment
- University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust, new Sussex Cancer Centre

Leading the Digital agenda for Hillingdon's New Hospital

We Developed a case for Digital and a costed Digital Strategy setting out the financial envelope and digital ambitions for Hillingdon Hospital's Redevelopment Programme for Hillingdon's New Hospital


The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is participating in the New Hospital Programme (NHP) to build a New Hospital on the current Hillingdon Hospital site. The vision is to provide a state-of-the-art digitally enhanced hospital.

In order to articulate and cost the Digital ambition for the Outline Business Case (OBC), Spanswick have led the digital activities for Hillingdon’s New Hospital project over a 2-year period.

The programme required experienced leadership in Digital as well as comprehensive business analysis support to produce a strong case for Digital embedded in the project’s OBC with a costed Digital strategy to ensure the Digital plans were affordable.

Hillingdon Hospital’s backlog of high-risk maintenance is the highest of any acute hospital site in England (by m2). With the project being one of the most urgent schemes in the New Hospital Programme, leveraging Digital is key to achieving the clinical ambitions of the Trust to deliver the care Hillingdon's residents deserve in the next decade and beyond.


Spanswick devised a plan and governance structure for the Digital Agenda, engaged with relevant stakeholders, and commenced work to align to NHP requirements and achieve the required tasks prior to OBC submission.

We worked with internal clinical leads, patient groups, the programme team, as well as architects and health planners, to provide a digital contribution to
the design for the new Hospital. Working in partnership with the Chief Information Officer and finance stakeholders we were able to produce a robust financial envelope and case for Digital detailing Hillingdon's ambition.


A comprehensive costed digital strategy alongside a case for digital embedded in the business case was delivered within the agreed timeframe of the programme's OBC submission and NHP assessment. The digital work undertaken for Hillingdon has been recognised as being of a very high standard with many aspects being adopted by other NHP Trusts.

This will allow the Trust to plan for the next stages of the programme and Full Business Case development on a solid platform, building towards the overarching ambition of new hospital being a digitally enhanced building which is sustainable and fit for the future.

We have and will continue to provide the trust with further support to develop the digital agenda in other areas such as development of the digital roadmap, articulation of the future patient and staff experience and collaboration with Estates on the Smart Buildings approach.

Leading Clinical Collaboration for the new Sussex Cancer Centre

Spanswick developed the Digital Vision for the new Sussex Cancer Centre, integrating digital innovation and new models of care in collaboration with the Cancer team at The University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust. 


The University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust (UHSx) is building a New Sussex Cancer Centre under the 3T’s Hospital Redevelopment Programme. This initiative will provide state-of-the-art facilities for patients receiving treatment for cancer, with an improved healthcare provision enabled by digital technology.
UHSx has committed to integrating digital technology and partnership collaboration, while fostering a culture of innovation. The use of digital tools and disparate systems at different sites historically hasn't always been optimised, which could enhance service delivery if addressed. To tackle these challenges, UHSx has partnered with Spanswick as the Digital Enterprise Architect to develop a Digital Strategy aligned with the Trust’s ambitions. This partnership intends that the strategic vision not only responds to current needs but also positions the Trust at the forefront of healthcare innovation.


The collaboration between Spanswick and the clinical and operational stakeholders involved co-design processes and workshops focused on four clinical pathways: Acute Toxicity, Post Treatment (Fear of Recurrence), Active Treatment to Best Supportive Care, and Malignant Spinal Cord Compression.

The Spanswick team developed Patient Personas and Journey Maps for these pathways. These tools summarised patient experiences, the patients’ emotional journey through care pathways and identified potential improvements. Through analysing both current and future state experiences, these tools provided insights into better integrating technologies to address digital challenges.

Further, the Spanswick team incorporated the schedule of accommodation and design drawings to create a project specific infographic that represents the Digital Vision for the new cancer centre, depicting the Digital impact on the fabric of the building. This infographic, which features key functions, such as Radiotherapy and Outpatients, served as an effective communication tool for the Digital Agenda to wider project stakeholders. It helped distil complex information for stakeholders and visually summarised the outcomes of the co-design process, facilitating a clearer understanding of the envisioned digital enhancements.


The outputs from Spanswick, including Patient Personas, Journey Maps, Infographic, Digital Design Brief, and a digital roadmap, were key in supporting the business case for the facility.

The materials produced not only supported the Digital section of the New Sussex Cancer Centre Business Case but are also set to influence UHSx's Digital roadmap. These contributions are instrumental in steering the future direction of the Trust's digital strategy, where the patient is at the heart. Ultimately, the project is expected to pave the way for a digitally enhanced healthcare environment alongside a state-of-the-art facility, significantly improving the experiences of both staff and patients in Sussex.  This case study demonstrates how structured and collaborative engagement with clinical teams can strengthen the design process and help to optimise the opportunity of a new healthcare facility.